Goal deluge in girls`` hockey National

Gwalior Hockey Academy destroyed Assam 20-0 as the second day of the 21st Sub-junior Girls`` National Hockey Championship witnessed a goal deluge at the Panposh Sports Hostel astro-turf ground in Rourkela today. Andhra Pradesh and Haryana also posted big wins, outplaying Gujarat 16-0 and Bihar 15-0 respectively. In five other matches of the day, Mizoram thrashed Uttrakhand 5-0, Jharkhand outclashed Bhopal 8-0, Mumbai edged out Kerala 1-0, Punjab trounced Rajasthan 8-0 and Pepsu (Patiala) blanked Vidarbha 8-0. Earlier yesterday, Anupa Barla scored four goals, including a hat-trick as host Orissa blanked Mizoram 5-0 in the opening match. Lilima Minz completed the tally for the home side. In four other matches of the day, Chhattisarh routed Gujarat 16-0, Uttar Pradesh beat Vidahbha 10-0, Madhya Pradesh humiliated Rajasthan 13-0 and Delhi prevailed over Kerala 4-0.
